Next Medicine

We are progressing with the rapid and precise development of new pharmaceuticals.
We have systematized and organized our insights and data.
Through the development of drugs without side effects and combined prescriptions,
we aim to overcome all diseases caused by lifestyle and environmental factors.

Next Medicine

We are progressing with the rapid and precise development of new pharmaceuticals.
We have systematized and organized our insights and data.
Through the development of drugs without side effects and combined prescriptions,
we aim to overcome all diseases caused by lifestyle and environmental factors.

Next Medicine

We are progressing with the rapid and precise development of new pharmaceuticals.
We have systematized and organized our insights and data.
Through the development of drugs without side effects and combined prescriptions,
we aim to overcome all diseases caused by lifestyle and environmental factors.

Contact Us

NM의 미래를 함께 만들어가는
문의, 피드백, 기회를 환영합니다.


우리의 제약 파이프라인은
혁신과 발전을 위한 전략적 로드맵을 구현합니다.

  • Feature
    6 Process

    우리의 의약품 개발은 정확성과 신속성의
    패러다임전환을 나타냅니다.

  • Roadmap
    AI Systemization

    우리의 제약 로드맵은 혁신적인 의료 솔루션을 향한
    야심차면서도 체계적인 과정을 보여줍니다.

  • News
    Our Story

    뉴스 섹션을 통해 제약 혁신의 획기적인 진전에 대한
    최신 소식과 정보를 받아보세요.

Next Medicine Process

Genomic big data and AI-based drug design automation system